Gender inclusive innovation

How to do gender inclusive innovation What characterises gender-inclusive innovation ecosystems? SPIDER’s Caroline Wamala Larsson has written a policy brief based on the research on  the innovation sector and gender inclusion made for the EQUALS-EU project....
GeJusta – Gender Justice in STEM research in Africa

GeJusta – Gender Justice in STEM research in Africa

GeJuSTA – Gender Justice in Stem research in Africa Women change-makers and male allies focused on tackling the underrepresentation of women in STEM As a consortium partner of GeJuSTA, SPIDER has been part of the appraising of publications and their exposition of...

RUPP study visit to Sweden

Royal University of Phnom Penh study visit to Sweden A delegation from Cambodia’s oldest and largest university came to Sweden for a study visit to see learn more about the role of ICT and how it contributes to the overall goals of Swedish universities. The...

Half-time evaluation for EQUALS-EU

Half-time evaluation for the EQUALS-EU project The EQUALS-EU project has been running for 18 months, half of the project period. Time for the half-term review, where Workpackage leaders present the project results this far to the project funder, the European...