Half-time evaluation for the EQUALS-EU project

The EQUALS-EU project has been running for 18 months, half of the project period. Time for the half-term review, where Workpackage leaders present the project results this far to the project funder, the European Commission, for review. The review was hosted by SPIDER at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences in October 2022.

The half-time review of the EQUALS-EU programme brought consortia members together to present the work and results so far to the European Commission and external evaluators. SPIDER hosted the evaluation in our offices at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences in Kista.

The project co-ordinator from OsloMet and work package leaders from Missions Publiques, GUDC-EU, GSMA and All Digital AISBL came to Kista the day before the evaluation took place, to make the finishing touches and to be ready for a full day of presenting the EQUALS-EU activities and deliverables thus far to the evaluators. 

The next event bringing the consortia together is the general assembly, where all members will meet in Valencia.


Day 1 – EQUALS-EU workpackage coordinators preparing for the evaluation in Kista

Day 2 – time to present the results to the evaluators


SPIDER coordinates Workpackage 1.

This workpackage researched gender inclusion in the innovation sector, to give the EQUALS-EU a foundation of collected data and knowledge about existing networks in 22 countries. The following results have been published so far.

Social media graphics for deliverable 1.2

Visual map of stakeholders according to need, interest, power and influence

These maps visualise collaborative partnerships between and among different types of organisations working with innovation and inclusion. 

The summary map includes all respones and countries. The data is also broken down to visualise national and international networks in separate maps for EU-countries, associated countries and other countries.

Download it here


Compendium of innovation for gender equity and digital inclusion


The Compendium is the result of the research done on gender inclusion in the digital innovation industry in 22 countries, both within and outside of the European Union.

Innovators have shared their knowledge on existing work and policies in place to promote gender inclusive innovation and improve gender equality in their line of work. The compendium includes recommendations the respondents have to improve gender equality and insure inclusive innovation.  Download it here