OPEN CALL: ICT in Education Projects
Deadline for application: 15 September 23.59 CEST (UTC+2)Are you an organisation working in Cambodia or Zambia with an idea on how to use ICT to improve education in primary or secondary schools? In this open call, SPIDER’s education programme seeks proposals for projects using ICTs to improve equal access to education and learning through digital tools.
Open Call for ICT in Education Projects
This call has a focus on proposals targeting primary and secondary schools.
We are looking for projects that can deliver concrete results to the following short-term outcomes for SPIDER’s education programme:
2.1 Students/Learners have ICT-based access to education and digital content is available,
2.3 Institutions of learning and related civil society organisations have strengthened capacity in accessible education, capacity building of teachers and content development.
The proposed project should aim to reduce social inequities, protect vulnerable groups and address gender disparities in education that have been exacerbated by the pandemic. It should focus on equal access to education and learning through digital tools. Special attention should be paid to SDG 4.1, 4a and 4c.
Financial allocation
Depending on the availability of funds SPIDER will allocate 700 000 SEK per project
Project duration
Project activities can take place from end of 2022 until October 2023.
Project criteria
Eligibility of applicants:
SPIDER will accept applications from organisations and institutions of learning from Cambodia and Zambia.
Proposed projects must also be implemented in these countries
Deadline for application submission is in
How to apply:
If you consider your organisation to be eligible for support in the open call, fill in the application form and sumbit it with the supporting document. Send the application by email to no later than 23.59 Central European Summer Time (CEST, UTC+2) on Thursday September 15th, 2022. Write “education call, [name of your organization]” in the subject.
Rules for the open call:
- The application must be written in English, font Times New Roman size 11
- Hand-written applications are not accepted
- Applications that exceed the page limit will be rejected.
- Applications sent in after the deadline will be rejected.
Spider requests applicants to send in an externally audited annual report, audit management letter, and the organisation’s proof of registration. These documents together with the application form will be the application.
Make sure your application consists of:
- Completed application form
- Your organisation’s proof of registration
- Your organisation’s latest annual report
- Your organisation’s latest financial audit, including management letter
Incomplete applications will be rejected
Assessment and selection of applications:
Qualified applicants should submit the application form together with other documents as explained in the rules no later than 15 September 2022 (23.59 CEST).
Following review by SPIDER, select applicants will be notified on 22 September 2022. Successful candidates will be asked to submit a project implementation document by 23 October 2022. SPIDER reserves the right to choose project applications which are best aligned with our programme goals.
Who can give me more information?
If you have questions or need further clarification, please contact Petra Rindby, Communications Manager, by email at: petra(at)
Fill in the application form, follwing the instructions.
Submit the forms and requested additional documents no later than 15 September 2022.