Building Systems for high quality, relevant research in Tanzania
At a glance:
The Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH)
2015 to 2022
Bilateral Research Agreement

Building Systems for high quality, relevant research in Tanzania
COSTECH is a prime driver of Science Technology and Innovation (STI) in Tanzania and strives to build capacity to innovate, produce a wider variety of high value goods and services, adopt and absorb technologies and utilize existing knowledge to solve social and economic constraints.
This programme that will complement achievements from previous support, build on the learning opportunities and engage with Swedish organisations.
COSTECH will create platforms to manage and communicate findings from research done in and on Tanzaniza. This will contribute to COSTECHs mission to make research relevant to social and economic development.
COSTECH, SPIDER and Stockholm University Department of Computer and Systems Science (DSV) partners to work at strengthening COSTECH’s capacity for research communication using ICT as a supporting tool.
SPIDER has an advisory role and provides expertise to support COSTECH’s activity on building the digital platforms that will contribute to the research communication sub-programme. Experts from DSV and other SPIDER partner universities provide on-site support through short consultancies.