Capacity Development of Management of Research, Postgraduate Studies and Social Interaction
This project has ended
At a glance:
Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA)
April 2013 to December 2017
Bilateral Research Project

Capacity Development of Management of Research, Postgraduate Studies and Social Interaction
Spider and UMSA has cooperated in improving research management and educational processes in general through ICT since 2013 . This sub-programme is part of Sida´s 5-year research cooperation programme with the University.
SPIDER gives advise for the creation and implementation of an ICT-master plan and provide trainers for courses about capacity building in research management, ICT supported research management, and dissemination of research results through ICTs.
The ICT-master plan was built mainly on a diagnostic between the needs of UMSA’s current state of ICT infrastructure and their vision for the future. The plan includes projects in macro and micro format with estimated requirement and price assessments.