Dare to learn literacy and mathematics with ICTs in times of the COVID19 pandemic
At a glance:
World Vision Bolivia
July 2020 to December 2020
Thematic Area?
e-Learning platforms
Dare to learn literacy and mathematics with ICTs in times of the COVID19 pandemic
The project will contribute to Spider ICT thematic area for Education and Learning, by strengthening the capacities of teachers in the use and application of technologies in education and to provide virtual education to replace traditional face to face education.
Challenges to address
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the educational systems and has led to schools being closed in Bolivia. Schools and higher institutions of learning decided to deliver training by using online platforms (virtual education), leaving low-income students at a disadvantage since they have difficulty in accessing and using appropriate technological resources.
The project will train 100 teachers at 6 primary schools in Uncia and Llallagua Municipalities in using ICTs and platforms to developing digital content, assignments, images with instructions, audio-messages, online classes that the students can access through tablets and desktop computers available at the schools. 2130 primary-level students from public schools will be able to continue their learning process by using ICT tools.
Teachers will be trained to use of offline and online platforms for their educational practice will be developed, contributing to a more fun and attractive way of learning reading and mathematics. Primary level students from the public schools will be able to continue with their learning process by using ICT tools.

World Vision Bolivia has been working in Bolivia since the 1980 and they mainly work in the areas of child integral development and advocacy. VMB has 50 Area Development Programmes and have experience in working to improve quality education, capacity building of students and teacher training.