Health Research, Training and Innovation for Sustainable Development
At a glance:
Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
2015 to 2020
Bi-lateral project

Health Research, Training and Innovation for Sustainable Development
Sub-Programme title: Building a stronger MUHAS in supporting research and innovation
The Library and ICT sub-programme aims at improving MUHAS research capacity, by facilitating wider dissemination of research findings to all stakeholders.
A Strengthened MUHAS ICT infrastructure will enable the University to enroll more students and offer quality learning and research.
The collaborative engagement of the directorates of ICT and Library services will improve existing ICT infrastructure, systems and services offered to staff and students.
The Library and ICT subprogramme will train staff in key ICT related areas that will in turn enhance the overall University’s capacity to effectively teach and conduct research.
Training will be done on the usage of cloud computing applications, simulation and visualization tools, e-learning systems and access to and use of e-resources to increase and strengthen research on ICT enhanced learning for healthcare education.
MUHAS with support from SPIDER and DSV will:
- Establish and upgrade existing ICT infrastructure
- Integrate the management information systems
- Build the capacity of MUHAS Staff and postgraduate students ICT skills
- Build the capacity of MUHAS library and ICT staff on design, development, implementation, management and maintenance of ICT infrastructure, systems and services.

Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
MUHAS is Tanzania’s largest public institution training human resources for health.
It started as the Dar es salaam medical school in 1968, then transformed into the faculty of medicine of the university of Dar es salaam. In 2007, MUHAS was established as Tanzania’s public health university.