Improving the Delivery of Public Services through ICT
This project has ended
At a glance:
Open Development Cambodia in collaboration with Star Kampuchea and Cambodian Centre for Independent Media
July 2017 to June 2018
Thematic Area?
Transparency & Accountability
Radio in combination with
Open Development Cambodia platform

Improving the Delivery of Public Services through ICT
There is still poor awareness among Cambodian citizens about what public services are available, their quality and the quality they should have. A multitude of actors are working on different parts of this issue but rarely together and the work with remains fragmented and incomplete.
Open data that is shared online about public services reaches only those who know where to look and can access it online. Organisations working with communities need both good quality information and well-functioning communication channels.
Challenges to address
Three organisations will collaborate to increase the transparency and accountability around public services in Cambodia by gathering and disseminating information about the availability and quality of public services in the project area.
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) is already gathering and sharing information about the availability of public services in Cambodia in SPIDER supported project Public Awareness of and Engagement in Government Service Delivery . Star Kampuchea, who are working with tracking of public service delivery at community level through scorecards, will not only rely on ODC data and feed the information from the scorecards into the ODC platform and CCIM, a national radio station to strengthen the outreach.
Star Kampuchea will continue working with awareness raising about public services and using the scorecards collaborating closely with ODC in the use of data and reporting public service evaluations back to ODC.
Cambodian Centre for Independent Media (CCIM) is the project media partner and will air news and discussion programs about public services.
The project will also hold public forums for discussion and information.

Open Development Cambodia
Open Development Cambodia, ODC, is an NGO based in Phnom Penh that was formed to maintain the online platform Open Development Cambodia, which was created in 2013 by East West Management Institute with support from SPIDER.
ODC promotes and builds capacity in open data and develops and maintains the online platform to make information available for an open and transparent society.

Star Kampuchea
Cambodian Center for Independent Media
The Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM) was established in 2007 as an offshoot organization from the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR).
CCIM was established to work for the promotion of democratic governance, freedom of expression and independent media. The organisation produces and brodcasts radio programs under the name of Voice of Democracy (VOD) Radio.