iRebero Smart Community: Driving Employability and self-suffcient through an ICT Ecosystem model
This project has ended

At a glance:
Sangwa Job Training Center (SJTC)
January 2018-November 2019
Thematic Area?
Education and Learning (vocational skills)
Open Innovation Lab with internet network supply chain management system
An Open Innovation Lab with Internet network for an online farming and supply management system.
The iRebero smart community project will train young people, widows and widowers to lifelong learning by creating contextualized, digital content on pig farming and pork processing. The information will be access through mobile application, Open Education Resources and MOOCs. The next step wills to create a comprehensive value chain in pig farming, pork processing an entrepreneurship supported by an ICT ecosystem including access to ITC based open learning and capacity building. The NGO Centre de Perfectionnement et de Promotion Agricole has a long experience in pig farming and pork processing and will responsible for the capacity building.
The project is a Public Private Partnership with Sangwa Job Training Center as the lead, the Gicumbi District (public sector) and Centre de Perfectionnement et de Promotion Agricole.
Challenges to address
In Rwanda, the main source of employment for the growing labor force is agriculture. The agricultural production is becoming a less viable livelihood for the rural poor due to declining agricultural farm sizes, low productivity and soil erosion. he problem of unemployment is exacerbated by a rapid increase in the population. The project will provide employement opportunity to young people and widows (ers) in the agricultural field.
The project relates to the following goals within the SDGS, SDGs 1, (end poverty), SDG 2, zero hunger, SDG 4 quality education, SDG 8 (promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth) and SDG 10 (reduced inequalities) .
The farmers will undergo vocational and professional training in pig farming, pork processing and entrepreneurship. The training will be done practically and the training material will be available online.
The pig farmers will be trained in how to create and registering their revenue and this is a prerequisite before opening a cooperative The pig farmers will have access to credit once they reach the intended productivity and will then be able to start cooperatives.
A supply chain management system (Online Farming Management System + A value chain projection system (data analytics system) and Mobile Apps will be built to support this learning and ensure collaboration, networking and project sustainability.
People in total
Young women
Young men
widows & widowers
SDG’s selected for the follow up

Partner presentation:
Sangwa Job Training Center (SJTC) is limited company registered under Rwanda Development Board (RDB), SJTC mission is to eradicate poverty and youth unemployment by engaging the youth in creating productive employments through professional and vocational education and training. Provide the following links: