Royal University of Phnom Penh study visit to Sweden

A delegation from Cambodia’s oldest and largest university came to Sweden for a study visit to see learn more about the role of ICT and how it contributes to the overall goals of Swedish universities. The delegation had a busy time with visits to Uppsala university, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Stockholm university main campus at Frescati and the Kista offices that is the home of SPIDER and The department of Computer and Systems Sciences. Additionally, the group visited Ericsson’s headquarters and the Sida office. 

The seven person delegation from Royal University of Phnom Penh management, included the Rector and project coordinators of the Swedish bi-lateral research cooperation. This is a cooperation that started in 2019 with funds from the Swedish development agency, Sida. The programme supports development at the unversity, with sub-programmes in ICT, Science and Engineering. SPIDER coordinates the ICT sub-programme that works to improve the ICT infrastructure at the university’s two campuses.

The study visit to Sweden gave the RUPP delegation the opportunity to see different examples of how ICTs can be used to support university operations. The group met with representatives from all levels: from the president’s office and the IT management sharing experiences about IT governance at Stockholm university to touring the university library to see the infrastructure and information systems in use. 

rupp delegation in front of SU library
RUPP given a tour of the SU library
the inside of the book returnin machine at SU library