SPIDER starts work in Somalia
SPIDER work will expand to Somalia with this brand new initiative supported with funds from the Somalia desk at the Swedish embassy in Nairobi.
SPIDER is pleased to announce the start of a Digital Health initiative to develop a Health Information Management System (HIMS) in Somalia. Funded by Sweden through the Somalia desk at the Swedish embassy in Nairobi, this is an initial three-year phase of what is intended to be a long-term digitalisation of Somalia’s Health Information Systems. This first phase will involve linking the entire care pathway of Maternal and Child Health care clinics and referral services in two federal states of Galmudug and Puntland, all linked to the Federal Ministry of Health headquarters in Mogadishu, which will be the hub for future linkage of HIMS to all federal regions of Somalia.
To realize this ambitious goal, SPIDER will work closely with the federal government authorities, local governments, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, other International Development Organizations and private companies. There will be special efforts to involve relevant Somalia diaspora experts in the entire process.
SPIDER is also pleased to announce that Dr Muna Elmi joins the team on January 20, 2020. Dr Elmi is a Sweden-Somali with a doctorate in cell biology from Göteborg university and extensive experience of multi-disciplinary research, coordination of international and multi-site teams and work in Somalia. This background and experiences is a great addition to the SPIDER team that will also be of great benefit to the initiative.
For future updates, please go to spidercenter.org/health/somalia to sign up for the project information mailing list.
A project launch will take place in Nairobi on 14 February, more details will be revealed later .

Nairobi stakeholder inception meeting starts in..