SPIDER is an independent ICT4D center

We digitalise international development

Since 2004 SPIDER has made the digitalisation of international development our main concern.  Today we are an independent public center with innovative programmes in Africa, Asia and Latin America. We coordinate multilateral funding/investments and offer tailored professional development and capacity building through our global networks to any organisation and company that aims to bring about the Sustainable Development Goals through the use of information & communication technologies (ICT). SPIDER has a team of 12 core staff from eight different countries, speaking 30 different languages. What makes SPIDER unique is the global network of partners who inform, invest in, manage and carry out research in our programmes, effectively driving digital international development in innovative ways.

What SPIDER does

Programme Management

SPIDER runs programmes funded by multiple major funders, including specific development programmes in set themes, International Training Programmes as well as Bi-Lateral programmes to strengthen research institutions. We operate in a transparent and accountable manner and adhere to international reporting standards.

Applied Research

To each SPIDER project/programme we support, we insist a local research team is able to verify results, analyse data and add to the body of evidence in digital international development. We believe our research programme, and our in-house research expertise is of great value to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals/Agenda 2030.

Capacity building

SPIDER operates across several thematic areas and we are happy to assist your organisation in planning focused lectures, training or workshop on digital development as a tool for development. Whether it is about gender and technology or how you can integrate Result Based Management (RBM) in your results reporting on ICT4D (ICT for Development).


We really like Networks, SPIDER weaves webs of intersectional expertise from local project partners to global decision makers. We think SPIDER networks are what makes us successful. Get to know about them, and other networks SPIDER is part of. Today we have six Networks, some regional, others with a specific thematic focus. 

utilising digital systems. Solving Big Problems

We operate across different thematic areas, across sector divides and have a global network of partners – solving big problems through human centered digital tools.



Ongoing projects

SPIDER Networks

Latest updates

Revisiting MUHAS to review ICT systems

Five years after the ICT systems audit, IT departments of MUHAS and DSV/SU reviewed the IT systems catalogue. This review was done to ensure that MUHAS staff and students get the most out of their systems.

RUPP study visit to Sweden

A delegation from Cambodia’s oldest and largest university came to Sweden for a study visit to see learn more about the role of ICT and how it contributes to the overall goals of Swedish universities. The delegation had a busy time with visits to Uppsala university, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Stockholm university main campus at Frescati and the Kista offices that is the home of SPIDER and The department of Computer and Systems Sciences. Additionally, the group visited Ericsson’s headquarters and the Sida office. 

Mid-term review of EQUALS-EU

Workpackage leaders and reviewers from the European Commission came to Kista, where SPIDER and DSV hosted the mid-term review of the EQUALS-EU project. SPIDER has lead the research workpackage that has investigated the current state of gender equality and existing networks in the innovation sphere in 22 countries within and outside the European Union. This work forms the knowledge base for the project’s activities to make the innovation sector more inclusive and create more opportunites for female innovation and entrepreneurship.

New SPIDER director

Dr Caroline Wamala Larsson is the new SPIDER director, taking the step from heading SPIDER’s research programme to director from September 2022.

ICT in Education - 2nd round

The applications for ICT in Education projects have been reviewed. Six applicants have been chosen for the second round and are invited to write a full project proposal.

Learn about projects

SPIDER supports local organisations and researchers to make a difference in their communities and regions through deployment of human centered digital technology. Learn about our exciting project partners and the results they achieve.  Hover your mouse  over the images below to focus in on specific projects. You can also read more about them in our SPIDER Programmes

SPIDER Areas of expertise

We invest in digital international development in five main funding streams. Transparency & Accountability focuses on the use of open data and information, Education and Learning includes both vocational skills and training as well as education at other levels for those who need it most and our Digital Health programme takes a systems approach to creating solutions for better health care from rural to urban areas. SPIDER has also built a portfolio of bespoke training, lectures and workshops along side international programmes with the aim of strengthening capacity while strengthening ICT infrastructure necessary for digitalisation of societies. Our Research programme is the backbone of our organisation and continues to make available key data, analyse context and use of ICT as provide good practice models which can scale successful initiatives to new regions, and interlink existing resources.
  • Transparency & Accountability
  • Education & Learning
  • Health & Well-being
  • Infrastructure & capacity building
  • Research & results

Cross cutting themes


A gendered analysis is encouraged to address the specific needs, reflect the lives of, and respond to the social realities of men, women, minority groups in their use of technology as well as their input into its design.

Increased Access to ICT

SPIDER believes that access to digital development should be seen a Human Right. Making ICT accessible to more people, especially those who would be able to benefit most in using digitalisation to bridge existing gaps, can have a stark impact on societies. Access and use must be secure and respect the privacy of users.

Social Realities

Context is crucial in SPIDER’s work. We  take great care to focus on how ethnicity, religious affiliation, sexuality, and other social determinant can play a role in  social imbalances and skewed distribution of resources.

Rights Based Approach

SPIDER takes a Human Rights Based approach to our work in Digital International Development. Our programmes strive to empower people to claim their rights through digital tools. Digitalisation should be systematic and not focused on individualistic solutions only.


E-waste is a growing problem, especially its accumulation in land-fields and resource lacking communities. SPIDER encourages responsible use of technology and investment in digital waste management to spare our environment.


SPIDER knows that digital tools/ICT can alter the opportunities available for people of varied abilities considerably. We think these key groups are valuable developers and innovators, as well as stand to gain from equal access to spheres previously inaccessible. SPIDER strongly encourages project partners to consider disabilities in any project implementation.

SPIDER is not only a funder, we see ourselves as partners in international development. We are a resource centre and can mobilise global expertise to deliver training, lectures, resources and innovative ideas on how you can work with Digital International Development.
SPIDER provides the platform for embedding technology into development to optimise impact; and as a development professional whose passion led her from IT into development, SPIDER provides me the nexus to gain the desired exposure and apply my accrued knowledge.
Serifat O. Alagbe

SPIDER Intern, MSc (Tech), A+,CCNA, MCITP

“Our READY programmes have integrated digital tools to better meet the needs of adolescents and young people. We really like the way SPIDER incorporates research into project planning and delivery, investing in measurable results from the very start.”
Georgina Caswell

Lead: Programmes , International HIV/AIDS Alliance

“The Pan African Network for Social Innovation has enabled us to really join forces across sector lines to create an ecosystem of actors from private, public and civil society sectors to spur development in our region. As the network lead, I foresee its impact to grow across Africa. SPIDER’s way of promoting local leadership and solutions has been key in our success.
Benjamin Akinmoyeje

West Africa Lead, ICT 4 Social Innovation Network

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